⛏️Mining Aetheria

How to Mine the vast world of Aetheria?

Before you may mine $EMBER crystals, you must have built a Steam Armada. Your Mining Power is based on how rare your miners are, and that impacts which ember mine you may access. The higher your Mining Power, the more LVL ember mines you can go to.

You can access the Level 2 world with 200 MP, for instance, if you have two rarity 2 miners and a rarity 2 town.

Resources can only be collected by miners once every 24 hours. All Steam Fleets will be able to embark on fresh mining excursions at 00:00 UTC.


Players will receive progressively larger payouts for mining resources on ember mines based on the level of their steamships and the mines they are currently on. An oracle has been implemented to maintain the monetary value of the prizes and prevent the reward pool from being consumed too soon.

Early Withdrawal Tax

There is a 30% early withdrawal fee when claiming your rewards at $EMBER, this fee will be reduced by 3% once you go on your first excursion of the day, and so on until it reaches 0% and you can withdraw tax-free.

Last updated